Louis the Clown welcomed (or frightened) visitors to Joyland, which opened in 1949
Cheryl Cordry on the carousel
When the end of the school year rolls around and summer begins, my childhood memories often take me back to Joyland. As a child, we would go there for a family night outing, often including my aunts, cousins, and friends.
Everyone had their favorite ride, and mine changed over the years. I loved the Tilt-A-Whirl, but when I could reach the pedal, bumper cars became my favorite. My dad, however, loved the roller coaster and it was always his favorite - hands in the air on the first big drop! My mom did not share his love for the roller coaster and never wanted to ride, especially after he picked her up, carried her over his shoulder, and away they went in the first car. Personally, I thought Louie the Clown was more terrifying than the roller coaster!
FAMILY FUN NIGHT in front of the carousel at Joyland, circa 1956; Pictured in the Back Row are Cheryl’s aunts, Joan and Shirley Liby; the Middle Row features Patrick, Gerald, and Faye Michaud; Seated in the Front Row is Cheryl, who provided these photos
As a teenager, I remember going to the KLEO Moonlight swim. The pool was huge, with really tall diving boards and winding slides. I never did muster the courage to jump from the tallest diving board.
When my children were in grade school, the end of the school year party was always at Joyland. You haven’t lived until you ride a school bus full of loud, excited 4th graders from Andover to Joyland!
I am grateful that Joyland was still around when my first grandchild arrived. We were able to ride the train, Ferris wheel and the carousel. He was very suspicious of Louie the Clown, as well. Not long after, the park began to struggle and eventually closed. I am so thankful that Botanica has the carousel, restored and in a beautiful setting so the memories of Joyland can live on for all of us who loved it so much.